Lesha Kokosky
About the Artist
Formal Education:
Ontario College of Art, 1983 - 1986.
University of Toronto, Victoria College, 1969, B.A.
Additional Studies:
Oakville Art Society, painters' workshop
OCAD, various courses and workshops, in Design, Printmaking, 1978, to present.
Studies with Ottawa artist, Joyce Devlin, specialist in portraiture, oil painting, 1975 - 80.
Early studies with J. Symington, artist, (Hamilton Art Gallery Archives) 1960 - 63.
Exhibitions, Solo, and Group, since 1970, Canada:
- Sovereign House, Heritage Society, Bronte, Oakville, solo exhibit 2007, 2006
- Art Bank, Burlington Art Centre, Ontario, ongoing
- Women’s Art Association of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, group show, 2007
- Restorante Julia, Oakville Arts Council, Ontario, solo exhibit, 2005
- Seasons Restaurant, Oakville, Ontario, solo show, 1996
- Mad Dog Art Gallery, Picton, Ontario, solo exhibit, 1993
- St. Volodymyr, Cultural Centre, Spadina Avenue, Toronto, solo exhibit 1991
- St. Volodymyr, Cultural Centre, Oakville, Ontario, solo exhibit, 1990
- Plast Gallery, exhibit with ceramic artist, Ted Diakiw, Edmonton, Alberta, 1990
- Quan Schieder Gallery, "Summer Watercolours", with Eric Dymond, John Doyle, Susan
- Stewart Wakefield, Quebec, premier solo exhibit, 1989
- Gallery Wakefield, Quebec, premier solo exhibit, 1978
- Teaching Artists' Exhibit, group show, Ottawa, Ontario, 1976
Related Work Experience:
- Teaching, Art department administrator, secondary schools,
- Visual Arts, Peel Board of Education, Mississauga, Ontario, 1983 - 2008
- School of the Arts, High School of Commerce, Ottawa Board of Education, 1981 - 1983
- The Centre for Creative Studies, Ottawa, 1978
- Teaching Life Drawing, Carleton University, School of Architecture, 1976
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Ottawa Board of Education, 1976 - 1980
- Renfrew County Board of Education, 1970 - 74
Juried Exhibits and Awards:
Oakville Arts Council and Oakville Arts Society 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004
Honourable Mention, 2005
CSPWC Open Water exhibit, Market Gallery, Toronto, 2007, Woolfitts Award
Oakville Arts Council, Spirit Award, 2005